
One Dark Wednesday Night...

Last Wednesday, after we got all of that  *grrr* snow, Isaac and I were shoveling a part of the walk, that Dad couldn't snowblow.  I went to throw the shovelful of snow up on the snowbank, but Isaac was closer than I thought, and he turned around...Just as I threw he turned, and my shovel smacked into his face...the result: 6 stitches. Ack, that was scary.

Soooo, now he is recovering from "his sisters brutal attack" and to help his recovery, on Saturday Mr. Fuller, and his son Peter brought him a GIANT, (I mean giant)chocolate bar, and four bottles of Root Beer. :))

He should recover, fairly well.... :)


Erin said...

Ouch, poor Issac. :( Know all about those accidental sibling 'attacks'...my younger brother once playfully swung a plastic whiffle ball bat in my twin sister's direction and and ended up breaking her pinkie finger. :/

The Hershey bar and root beer should cure a lot though. ;)

Bethany d said...

Ike!! I didn't know it was that bad...

Ya'll need to wear some sort of protection, what with stitches and slicing fingers...honestly... ;)

Lol - - poor him...

Sarah Grace said...

Oh ! That had to hurt ! But , it was an accident ... Those things happen all the time :) And besides ... I think your brother is rather enjoying his ingury , seeing he got that rootbeer and Hershey Bar !